Meet Our Physicians
On Staff Medical Doctors & Health Care Professionals.
Shayna R. Pilc
- Speciality Social Worker
- Degrees B.S.W, M.S.W, R.S.W.

Ms. Pilc is a Staff Social Worker at the Pain Rehab Clinic, practicing at various locations.
Ms. Pilc is an essential practitioner in the rehabilitation health care team. She completed her Bachelor of Social Work at Ryerson University focusing on care for the elderly and youth in low income communities. Completing her Masters in Social Work at the University of Toronto specializing in Gerontology. Ms. Pilc completed her practicum at Sunnybrook’s Veterans Center providing social, psychological, and clinical support to residents and their families.
Ms. Pilc is a Registered Social Worker & member in the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers She conducts a highly ethical professional practice, with a patient centered focus, catering each therapy session to the patient’s unique needs and concerns. Expert in support for chronic pain, mental illness and local resources, Ms. Pilc provides effective and consistent treatment for patients.
Ms. Pilc’s passion is psychotherapy. By providing the best possible resources she makes a genuine connection with the patient in the clinical intervention. Reminiscence Therapy, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy are only but a few options at her disposal. Understanding the issues and situation each patient is in allows for recovery and improvements stimulated by the patient though empowerment and encouragement.